
As a charitable organisation we are happy to accept donations or other forms of sponsorship from individuals or groups wishing to support our activities. Please contact the Trustees if you would like to discuss possibilities.

Any financial or voluntary assistance that can be provided by individuals or companies is very welcome.

We can be contacted through this website with offers of assistance, and donations may be made direct to: DCB Kessington SCIO, Bank of Scotland, Sort Code  80-22-60, Account Number 19486860, providing a reference “Donation” and optionally your name.

For the convenience of UK Tax payers, a Gift Aid declaration form is available here.

Our charitable purposes and objectives are:-

To provide opportunities for recreational activities at Kessington Hall by maintaining, repairing and improving the facilities at an existing building which is currently disused; as agreed with East Dunbartonshire Council, and as expressed in the Business Plan, to focus primarily on the use of the hall as an artistic hub for community music, theatre, dance, collaborative projects and related activities, thereby making it available to the public for a wide range of social and entertainment activities; to encourage the adoption of pastimes or pursuits that will be beneficial to health and wellbeing, reducing social exclusion and providing opportunities for learning and practicing skills.

The building re-opened in the Autumn of 2021 after an extensive refurbishment programme that has included new roofing and windows, together with work on flooring, lighting, plumbing, and other basics.  Although ready for use, additional work is ongoing to bring the building up to an acceptable standard of maintenance, compliance, appearance and to enhance facilities for the enjoyment of those using and for those visiting the hall.

Thank you.